How DataFrame Works

With our simple 4-step implementation process, we do the heavy lifting for you.


Information requirements

Our experts run requirements validation sessions with your team to develop a data quality strategy that aligns with your operating model and meets your business objectives.

Data sources

Next we work with you to find the required data and make sure it’s up to scratch. DataFrame’s flexibility means that almost any data, in any form, in any information system, can be connected. If it is important to your organisation, we can work with it.

Automate checks

This is where the magic happens. We take your data sources and processes and connect them to the DataFrame system. We’ll look after this part for you. From here we can initiate the automated data quality checks needed to give you the confidence you need to make great decisions.

Unlock value

It’s now time for you to start using DataFrame and experiencing the benefits. This means rolling out your dashboard and training your team to use it. As DataFrame is a cloud-based software solution, we can do this online, in-person, or a mix of the two - it’s up to you. You’re now good to go.

DataFrame grows with you

We understand that the infrastructure sector is increasingly dynamic, with rapidly changing requirements and complex stakeholder needs.

That’s why DataFrame is designed to easily flex and adjust along with you. ​Updating your DataFrame configuration is quick and easy. Whether it’s a change in strategy, a shift in operational model, or a merger or acquisition, DataFrame will continue to deliver for your organisation.

Frequently asked questions

  • The DataFrame Implementation Methodology has been developed through work with infrastructure organisations that are heavily resource constrained. The implementation process requires engagement with the organisation’s asset managers to identify information requirements, and the IT team to identify data sources and create data connections. Typically a DataFrame implementation requires less than 20 total hours of internal support.

  • You can be assured that the security of your organisation’s data and information is of the highest importance to DataFrame. We offer two implementation options. The first is on premise, where the DataFrame software environment is setup within your organisation’s IT environment. The second is cloud-based where the data DataFrame uses is managed within our secure cloud environment.

  • Asset data and information assets exist to enable infrastructure providers to deliver safe, reliable, efficient and high quality services to customers and communities. The correct starting point for planning data quality improvement is to understand precisely what data at what level of quality is required to support asset management decisions and actions.

    This is in contrast to many data quality projects and software tools whose starting point is the data itself. A data-first approach can lead to resources being deployed inefficiently, and a focus on correcting data rather than addressing the root causes of data issues.

    DataFrame has been created specifically for infrastructure asset managers and is designed to integrate with a modern asset management framework aligned with the ISO 55000 standards.

  • The DataFrame model is completely configurable. This includes the ability to fully reflect your asset management operating model and process landscape, determine the most critical data to be subject to data health monitoring, and define acceptability thresholds for data quality checks.

    We recognise that this high level of configurability can make it difficult to get started. Fortunately, we have a range of preconfigured templates that can be selected from. Our DataFrame implementation experts will support you all the way through the implementation process to ensure your data health monitoring goals are fully realised.

  • Changing the configuration of your organisation’s operating model within DataFrame is a straightforward process, meaning that if you go through an asset management transformation or improvement process, we can help you ensure your DataFrame implementation continues to reflect your operating model.

    If you are going through change in your information systems environment, it is likely that some of your data quality checks will need to be updated to ensure they are still current and pointed at the right data. In most cases this will not require extensive work and we can assist you all the way through the technical change management process.

  • Missing data is a good reason to start monitoring data health, as it means your processes are not fully being supported by data. We first need to determine the criticality of that data to your processes, and then understand the size of the issue so that appropriate steps can be taken to improve. DataFrame allows you to see how important one set of missing data is compared with any other data issue by modelling the impact on business processes.

  • Relevant, reliable, and accessible data and information are critical inputs into infrastructure decision-making. Infrastructure organisations are often trapped in a reactive loop of responding to issues in the equipment or facilities, which prevents the improvements that are required to prevent those issues reoccurring.

    DataFrame provides the insights required to focus the organisation on the most important data and information issues, enabling asset management practitioners to work together to determine and resolve the root causes of those issues. This approach of continual improvement is the solution to exiting the reactive loop.

    Contact us and we can assist you to make the case for improvement.

  • The DataFrame Implementation Methodology and solution architecture is highly flexible, and we can work with most information systems and data sources. Once we have worked with you to identify the critical information requirements and the sources of that data, we will take care of surfacing the insights in the DataFrame dashboard.

See DataFrame in action


Want to get the full picture? Book a demo to see DataFrame in action, from the set-up, to the user-friendly dashboard, to the automated reporting.

In just 30 minutes, a DataFrame asset information specialist, will show how your business can generate better data to make better decisions.